How much does The Cloudreallycost?

Saved Summary

Block Storage


4000 MB/s, 256000 IOPS

Bare metal uses fastest drives

Quantity in TB


Bare metal:






Bare Metal





Bare Metal SavingsFrom our FAQ:
How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?How are prices calculated?How accurate is this?Can you help me figure out my savings?Does BareMetalSavings run on bare metal?Is bare metal for everyone?What about CapEx vs OpEx?When will benchmarks be available?Where are the smaller instances?Why can't I choose specific hardware?